Sunday, November 4, 2012

Before My Birth

The week before my birth, Mommie and Daddy were very busy getting ready for me. Dr. Chapman said that I was due on Tuesday October 30, so the weekend before that Mommie and Daddy worked to get my nursery all ready. Well, Mommie and I did most of the work on the nursery while Daddy frantically worked to finish paining the living room and bedrooms that were being remodeled.

Mommie and I did a great job on the nursery!

Mommie had to take a lot of breaks because I was getting to be a big girl inside of her belly. While I was gestating, they took my picture every Monday. Here's the one from week 40, the week I was born.

As my due date came and went, it looked like I might be a Halloween baby. Mommie even dressed me up as a jack-o-lantern for Halloween.I must have liked all of the attention because the next day I sent Mommie into labor so that I could begin my life in the world.

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