Thursday, March 28, 2013

Taste Test

This week has been one of firsts for me. As M&D have been moving into their new crib and bathroom, spaced have been opening up all around the house. There used to be a dining table in the main room, but they moved that into the sun room so that I could have a big open play area. The play area has a big foam mat, pillows, my baby gym, and lots of toys. I imagine that I'll spend lots of time playing there. To complement my new area, M&D bought me a new jumperoo! It plays jungle noises and has a lot of animals that I can play with. I'm not sure if I'll spend more time jumping or playing on my mat, but I'll get lots of exercise either way.

Another big first for me this week has been food. At my 4 month check-up, Dr. Hughes cleared me to start eating solids. M&D agreed, and in no time, I started slurping down .rice cereal mixed with tasty breast milk. M&D were worried that I wouldn't like eating solid food, but they had nothing to fear. I love eating my food. I willingly open my mouth for each bite. If anything, the problem is that I don't get enough. I might start crying at the end of a meal, but Mommie always makes being done with my food so exciting that I forget that I want more.

My First Bite of Food

Can I have some more, please?

Despite all of the solid food, I still get lots of milk. Sometimes I let Daddy hold the bottle, but I tend to hold it and feed myself. If I get bored eating, I'll start to chew on my bottle and grab at Daddy's hair. Then he has to  hold the bottle for me to help me finish eating.
Whether I've eaten rice or milk, bath time is my favorite way to clean up. I've become a pro at sitting in my tub and playing with the water while I get cleaned up.

I can feed myself!
Wearing my warm duck cloth in the tub

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hot Diggity Dog

Amazed by that Other Baby in the Mirror!
This past week I've gotten to explore more of the world around me. Inside the house, I still enjoy playing with all of my toys. I spend a lot of time in my jungle gym grabbing for toys above me and looking in the mirror. M&D set up a nice foam mat underneath my gym which makes it firm but cushy. I could almost fall asleep in there...well, okay, sometimes I do, but you would too if you played so hard with the crinkly winged firefly, the squeaky squirrel, and the jingly owl.

Walking with Mommie on a Chilly Day

In addition to enjoying time in the gym, I've been going for walks with M&D. Sometimes I get to relax in my stroller and stare up at the clouds and treetops. Other times, I strap myself into my baby Bjorn and hitch a ride with Mommie or Daddy. Usually I choose to go with Mommie so that Daddy can hold Olive, who likes to pull forcefully on her leash. We wander around the neighborhood on our walks passing the park or checking out landscaping to get ideas for what we'll do at our house. Sometimes we walk with a purpose stopping in at the IGA for some dinner supplies, picking up the bi-weekly CSA parcel of veggies and eggs, or taking Olive to a play date with Rocko across the street.

Ready to Walk the Dog

This past Saturday, I took my first big trip downtown to the Mighty Texas Dog walk at Auditorium Shores. It was a drizzly day, so we got to wear our wide brimmed hats and carried umbrellas just in case. Olive even dressed up in a bandanna for the event. There were hundreds of dogs there in support of the Texas service dogs. We took the one mile dog walk, then toured the numerous booths collecting samples and information. I liked looking at all the dogs and the two hours we spent wandering around flew by like one of the show dogs leaping for a Frisbee.

Posing by the City Skyline

After the dog walk, we got cleaned up and said hi to Marcie, the baby in the mirror. She makes me laugh and smile. I like to try and touch her face. I also see M&D in the mirror which makes me smile!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A New Crib

M&D's Old Crib
Has it really been a month since I last posted an update? I've been so busy it's hard to believe it's been that long! Hopefully things are settling down a little, but it's been really hectic at home recently. Just after my last post, M&D started moving into their new crib. They've been working with Chill, the contractor, to get all of the little items finished with house addition: touching up the paint, installing the door hardware, fixing leaks... There were a lot of little things. But they all got done so that the cleaners could come and make it look beautiful. The minute they left, M&D got to work moving into their new crib, which they say is really nice. In fact, they keep joking that they're staying in a fancy hotel now. Not having seen many houses in my short life, I think it's pretty nice.

M&D's New Crib
Bath Time in the Big Tub

I like it when M or D holds me up to the mirror so that I can talk with Marcie, the girl who looks exactly like me on the other side of the looking glass. But the best part is that I don't have to share my bathroom with them any more. That means no more baths in the kitchen sink! I have my own tub complete with a rubber ducky faucet cover.

Sometimes I let Mommie Enjoy my Bathroom

After moving into their new crib, M&D spent the next few weeks moving furniture into the new guestroom, and the remodeled sun room. It has taken them a while to get everything in order, which is mostly due to me distracting them with cuteness. It's hard not to distract them. They are so funny, I can't help but laugh at them and smile when they look at me. We spend a lot of time playing together and going on walks around the neighborhood.

And now on to the biggest news. I. HAVE. TOYS!!! I never really noticed before, but I have so many exciting toys to play with. There are toys in my jungle gym, toys where I eat, toys by my crib, toys in my carrier, and tons of toys at daycare. I can't believe that I never noticed them before. They are so fun to grab and chew. I entertain myself a lot with my toys, exploring the new textures, shapes, and colors. M&D like to hand toys to me because I reach out and grab them. How can I resist? They are so fun to play with!

Some toys I grab
Some toys I chew

Sometimes the toys surround me

All this playing makes me tired
Is this a toy?

Amid all the chaos of moving into the addition and playing with toys, I've gotten into a good routine. We
wake up every morning with big smiles around 6am. After a quick diaper change, I breakfast with Mommie while Daddy gets my bottles ready for the day. I hang out with them while they eat and get ready, then it's off to daycare with Daddy. I have a lot of fun at daycare. I make new friends and learn lots of new skills. Mommie picks me up in the afternoon around 4:30pm. We head home and wait for Daddy. Once we're all together we go for a walk or play with toys in my nap nanny or jungle gym. By 7pm it's time for my final feeding of the day. Once I'm done, M&D put me in my sleep sack, sing me Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and let me rest until morning.
Enjoying a visit from Valerie
Last week the routine was a little different because Mommie had to go to a conference in San Antonio. That meant that Daddy had to take care of me all by himself. I really missed Mommie, but we got to see each other on skype each day, and she sang me Twinkle, Twinkle before I went to sleep each night. Hanging out with Daddy for the week wasn't so bad, and before I knew it Mommie was back home. But I hope she doesn't go away again for a long time!

Daddy distracted me with toys while Mommie was gone