Thursday, December 19, 2013

Holiday Prep

Baby or Marshmallow?

Lumberjack Crew #3
With Christmas quickly approaching, we've been busy getting ready with gifts and decorations. To start the festivities, we went with the Sims to cut down a Christmas tree from the Elgin Chritmas tree farm. I liked looking at all the trees. There were so many that when M&D asked me which one we should cut down, I kept pointing to different ones. Luckily they were a little more decisive and we were able to pick a tree before my fingers froze. Frozen fingers? Yes, we finally got some cold weather, and I was able to try out my winter coats.

Fun with fish

With a tree purchased, we started shopping for gifts to put under it. My favorite place to shop was the holiday art bazaar. They had fun sculptures to play with, holiday movies playing, and lots of space for me to run around and explore. Mommie did most of the actual shopping while Daddy and I helped the vendors rearrange their goods. I hope everyone enjoys the presents we picked out!

Talking with my friend Manny Quinn

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