Saturday, April 6, 2013

Everyone on Easter

Cool Like the Easter Bunny
This past weekend was very special. Sure, it was Easter, but the most unique part was that I got to see all of my grandparents and great-grandparents on the same day! It was a long day driving to Chicago with stops at Temple and College Station along the way....noooo...I'm just being silly. I didn't go visit everyone, but I did use my cute smile to lure as many folks as I could to visit me :)
Family week actually started last Sunday when Mimi flew in to visit. She stayed with us for the night then took me to daycare on Monday morning. I showed her my classroom and introduced her to Miss Becky and Miss Adriana. Super family week continued on Thursday when Papa flew in from Chicago. I showed him my daycare too. I like to show everyone all my toys and my crib. I also showed Papa my new play area. M&D moved their dinning table to the newly remodeled sun room so that I could have an area all to myself between the kitchen and the living room. It has a nice foam mat to play on plus my gym and all my toys. I'm lucky to be able to live in a place with such nice amenities for the low amount of rent I pay.
Showing Papa how to Sit in a Bumbo
On Saturday, Mimi returned, and she brought Great Gramps with her. We spent the morning smiling and giggling at each other. We posed for a few photos too.

Mimi, Great Gramps, and Me

Smiles All Around!
After lunch, I said goodbye to Mimi, Papa, and Great Gramps, and M&D drove me to College Station where we continued the Easter celebration with Nana, Papaw, and Great Grandmother. In addition to the smiles, giggles, and photos, I had some Easter surprises waiting for me including lots of new, larger clothes, which is a good thing since I've been growing out of my current ones. It's time to retire my 3-6mo clothing and move up to 6-9mo. The Easter bunny also brought me some new books, toys, and a few colored eggs.

Mommie, Great Grandmother, and Me
Portrait Time

Four Generations of Ladies

Even though I wasn't in my nursery, I slept well on Saturday night. Smiling for all my grandparents and great grandparents wore me out! I can't wait to see everyone again soon.

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