Look Familiar? |
Over the past few weeks we've been homebodies trying to clean up around the house and fully recover from the construction. We've gotten into a great routine. During the week, Daddy drops me off at daycare, and Mommie picks me up. At night we get to play for a little while or go for a walk. Around six o'clock, I eat my dinner, which is more than just milk now that I've started eating solid food. Usually M&D use dinner to introduce me to the new food of the week. So far I've gotten to eat rice meal, oat meal, and apples. M&D give me one new food at a time to make sure that I'm not allergic. After I finish my solid food, I get to drink a bottle to satisfy my hunger. I have to eat a lot since I'm growing so much.
I'm Good at Feeding Myself |
After my bottle, I put on my pajamas and get ready for story time in the rocking chair. M&D take turns. One night Mommie will hold me while Daddy reads, and the next night they switch places. We get to read one or two books depending on how long the are. I'm usually quiet during story time because I like to focus on the words and pictures. Between the stories I sometimes finish off my bottle or get a little more time trying to burp.
Story Time in the Rocker |
After story time, I say good night to M&D, we turn on the ocean and light, and I lay down in my crib. M&D set me down on my back, but I like to roll onto my stomach to sleep. While I'm getting into position, they sing me Twinkle, Twinkle. Then it's dream time.
My Nursery |
I still sleep 10 to 11 hours each night. Sometimes I wake up needing a bottle in the middle of the night if I haven't eaten enough during the day, but usually I just sleep. It's easy to rest in my nursery since M&D recently finished arranging it. They got rid of the old day bed and replaced it with a wardrobe where I can keep my clothes. It also has the ABC's, so I can learn my letters.
Clowning Around in Target |
Of course, we don't stay at home all the time. On the weekends, we get to at least go shopping. We buy groceries, and formula, and lots of other things. I take the opportunity lounging in my car seat to catch up on my beauty rest.
Fashion Show! |