Saturday, February 16, 2013


Sitting with Ms. Becky at Daycare

Over the last few weeks I've been very busy because I started daycare! I attend the Stepping Stone school off Shoal Creek, and this past week was my third week! I miss hanging out with Mommie all day, but at daycare I get to meet lots of new people and learn new skills. Usually Daddy drops me off on his way to work and Mommie picks me up on the way back.

Playing with Mommie at Daycare
While I'm at daycare, I have lots of fun. I'm a big hit with the teachers who give me lots of attention holding me and watching me smile. I've also met lots of new friends at daycare. There are several babies my age as well as several older babies. I watch my older peers crawl, walk, and practice advanced communication techniques such as baby sign language and babbling 2.0. The other babies also introduce me to new germs. During my first week, I picked up a stomach virus. It wasn't too bad, but I took a day off to recover at home with Mommie.

Sleeping in my Crib
Overall, daycare has kept me very busy and gotten me on a very good schedule. I have a nice routine that includes nap times, tummy times, and time for new activities such as going outside to watch the toddlers in the playground and playing with new types of toys. The flurry of daily activities wears me out, and I sleep very well at night. I normally sleep 10-11 hours, which makes M&D very happy. In fact, they are so happy with my sleep habits that they decided to let me sleep in my own room. I enjoy sleeping in my crib. It's very spacious and has plenty of room for me to roll around. Some nights I roll on my side and sleep that way.

Another new routine is taking two baths a week instead of just one. As I've gotten bigger, I've started to sit in the tub itself instead of in the hammock above the water. I usually enjoy lounging in the warm water while M&D lather me with soap and shampoo.
Serious Bath Time Stare
Getting bigger has also resulted in a wardrobe change. Most of my 0-3 month sized clothes are too tight, so I've started wearing my 3-6 month attire. It's fun to dress up in my new outfits!

I Love my New Clothes!
Hanging out with Sophie in my French Attire
Enjoying a Visit from Nana

Matching Outfits with Mommie on Valentine's Day

This past Thursday was my first Valentine's day. I received cards and gifts from all of my classmates. We even had a friendship party on Friday so that M&D could meet all of my friends and teachers. The best part was giving my Valentine to M&D. Ms. Becky helped me work on it all week. It is a big poster with lots of hearts, a couple of pictures of me, and a large heart with prints of my feet.
My Valentine's Day Card